In the thriving landscape of Los Angeles, a city known for its vibrant culture and where dreams transform into reality, a distinctive Movie & Television Studio named Shooky Sets is here. This innovative video production & studio company offers a unique blend of creative spaces and services, tailor-made to boost any video project.
Shooky Sets takes video production and your studio experience to new heights, providing an array of diverse elements to enrich branded content. From a Theater Stage, to a cutting-edge E-commerce Turntable, a Vintage Living Room; Time Machine & Space lounge!? How could we forget our White cyc with interchangeable Green Screen! Shooky Sets serves as a comprehensive Multi-Universe hub for all your future projects. Utilize our sets, mood lamps & props or move them around to create your vision.
Shooky Sets Studios is a game-changer for all your visual needs.
Pre-Lit Multi-Set Studio in The Valley – All Props Included
Welcome to the most diverse space in LA. our studio is equipped with 6 unique sets. Our studio can be used for just about any project you need ranging from TV, Film, Podcasting, Music Video, Photography, Live Performance, Events, Workshops, Seminars & More.
Our Galaxy Office is the Perfect Setting for Interviews, Shows, Education, Adult Film, Music Video, Commercials, TV Shows, Movies & More.
As the global podcast market becomes more saturated, adding a visual component is becoming a necessary inclusion to stand out and build an audience.
Pre-Lit White Cyc & Automated Flip-Switch Green Screen
Pre-Lit Multi-Set Studio in The Valley – All Props Included
Pre-Lit 1960s Living Room – All Props Included
Pre-Lit futuristic bar & lounge with Time Machine attached – All Props Included
Pre-Lit black box with Turntable for e-commerce or model display
Pre-Lit Theater with stairway, red curtains & spinning hazard wheel
Our galaxy office is the perfect setting for interviews, shows, education, adult film, music video, commercials, tv shows, movies & more.
Pre-Lit White Cyc & Automated Flip-Switch Green Screen
If you’re interested in any of our add-ons, please inquire at checkout “Reserve Your Slot”